Thursday, February 4, 2010

all in a days work

Come Rock out your Chakras! Shake them up! Get your old stuck Chakras moving and make room for the new ones! A HOT, inspiring, uplifting Yoga class, DAncing and drinks and FUN to follow!!! Friday March 5th 630pm - 8pm $10 BYOB snacks provided!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

missing me? missing you

Hello friends,
Ive been missing you... I promise I have been.

Its been a interesting few months but I promise to be back. Working on some GREAT ideas for 2010.

Stay with me.

Goal for 2010, EXPANSION.. and i dont mean my BELLY

see you soon,

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Okay, so I know... Ive been a little bit missing in action for my lack of blogging. I really have good intentions too, really. But the getting up at 5 am and returning at after 8pm has been getting in the way of my blogger life! For real! well, that and the fact that I am obsessed with what my next cupcake will be that Ill be making... I was thinking peanut butter, but then I switched to lemon raspberry, then over to honey maple and then on to lavender! who would think i was so CUPCAKE CREATIVE!
anyway, yes I know this website is all about the body mind and spirit - well cupcakes are good for your belly, and your mind! its all in balance anyway, isnt it? more later ( i promise this time....) im off to teach pilates mat.... thankfully its only mat pilates today and not on the ball - I kick my own ass in that class! LOL

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

sorry... been away!

Hey everyone!
sorry, ive been away. First my modem crashed and had to get a new one. Then my computer got a Trojan virus, then I taught 7 yoga classes in one week (excuses, excuses) but yes Ive been busy. All that and i managed to make some banana cream pie cupcakes! Most importantly, I wanted to tell you that Im going to be hosting a yoga and pilates retreat next fall of 2010 in Costa Rica! im so excited and gathering all the details on it now. So stay tuned! and I hope you all will join me!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

overwhelmed yet having fun!

Have you ever tried to fit it ALL in and just felt overwhelmed?! I do this all the time. Its great to be a self-motivator, but sometimes I just take on too much and feel overwhelmed with responsibilities. Part perfectionist, part self-educator, part entrepreneur, I spent my time coming up with fabulous ideas about what I want to do and where I want to be, and how to become the next self millionaire that I just overwhelm myself. I do this to myself, no one makes me. So sometimes I have to sit back and remember my blog of yesterday - to take ONE DAY AT A TIME. I have some great things going on and life is good right now (if not a bit overwhelming) so stay tuned to more wonderful things coming your way in my world. I have a newsletter in the works, some upcoming workshops, new pictures of my classes to post, an advanced Yoga training with Baron Baptiste in December in Mexico and Washington Avenue pilates is going to put together a surfing trip for our instructors - how fun! I cant wait to take you all on this journey with me so stay tuned!

Monday, August 17, 2009

one day at a time

I used to love vacations! Well, its not that I dont still love them... however, there is always so much to do when you get back that you almost regret going on them! I just got back from 3 days in Austin (if you call that a "vacation" ) and while i love to get away, its such a regret returning! There are chores to be done that you neglect while away. Cars to be washed, floors to be swept, groceries to get, meals to plan, bathrooms to be cleaned, plants to be watered, etc, etc etc! Since I fired my maid ( and have yet to take the time to find one because im trying to save $ by doing it myself) I have to conquer all these tasks in the short window of time I have. However, I have to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day and Ken doesnt seem to care if the house is messy (which by the way DRIVES ME NUTS! why dont men care and we do!?) I have to just remember to take one day at time. The same can be applied to diet and exercise. If I beat myself up because I didnt fit in enough yoga this week or was to tired to run town lake and just walked instead - so be it. I can only accomplish so much in the space im given so I have to learn - take one day at a time. I hope you do the same.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Art of Learning to Let Go

Do little things DRIVE YOU NUTS?! me too.... so daily i must practice the great ART of learning to LET GO! like, the fingerprints all over the stainless steel, all the time! Everywhere! I drive me nuts...but you know, in the big scheme of things, its really NOT that big of a deal. so I am going to start to practice daily the fine art of learning to let go. I could go on and on and on on this subject... For now, Ill leave it with the fingerprints on my stainless steel.